Tag Archives: Complaints

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

The FCC's re-vamped process governing complaints relating to closed captioning -- first announced in November, 2008 but still not in effect -- inched closer to implementation recently, but only after one component of the process was sent back to the drawing boards.… Continue Reading

At Long Last, Closed Captioning Order Printed in Federal Register

Back in November the Commission released a Declaratory Ruling, Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (DRONPRM) in which it (a) imposed a number of new obligations on TV licensees and other video programming distributors and (b) sought comment on how the revenue-based per channel exemption from closed captioning requirements should be applied to stations with multicast programming streams. Lo and behold, more than two months later, the DRONPRM was published in the Federal Register, in two separate items, on January 13, 2009. As a result, a couple of clocks are now running.… Continue Reading