Tag Archives: ULS

FCC Lightens USPS Load

In migration to cloud-based platform, FCC stops mailing some ULS, ASR notices. If you’re a frequent flyer in the FCC’s Universal Licensing System (ULS) or Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) system, don’t panic if you notice a sudden drop-off in hard-copy letters from the FCC. The FCC is moving both systems to a cloud-based platform and, … Continue Reading

New Consolidated FCC Database System In the Works

Word is that the Commission is embarking on a quest for what some might view as the bureaucratic equivalent of the Impossible Dream: an Uber-consolidated on-line licensing system to unify the balkanized collection of existing systems currently in use. Paul Feldman was recently invited to participate in a brainstorming session with FCC representatives. Read his report here.… Continue Reading