One day before the December 18 FCC Open Meeting in which Chairman Kevin Martin planned to bring his media ownership proposal to a scheduled vote, 25 senators signed a letter to Martin issuing yet another warning from Congress that his actions are inappropriate.
The letter, organized by Senator Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.), stated that if the Commission proceeds with final action on the media ownership proposal on December 18, "we will immediately move legislation that will revoke and nullify the proposed rule.
The congressmen pointed out that just 28 days were allotted for comment between the issuance of a press release on November 13 and the close of the comment period, as compared to 90 days for the proposed new rule on the effects of communications towers on migratory birds. The letter rhetorically asked Martin to explain this inconsistency.
The letter stated that Martin knows that the Senate Commerce Committee has unanimously passed legislation asking him to defer action on December 18th, and that he has "shortchanged the comment process [before] forcing a vote."
"We are notifying you and others of this proposed action in order to make certain you understand the consequences of ignoring the need for and the right of the American people to play a constructive role in attempts by a federal agency to change rules that have a substantial impact on the American people."