With the publication of the Commission’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on localism in the February 13, 2008 Federal Register, the deadline to submit Comments in the proceeding has been set for March 14, 2008. Reply Comments will be due on April 14, 2008.
As discussed previously on this blog, the NPRM presents a laundry list of tentative conclusions and proposed rules that would turn the clock back nearly three decades, forcing broadcasters to comply with costly and burdensome requirements, including a return to ascertainment requirements similar to those required of licensees through the early-1980’s.
The Commission is expected to receive a barrage of opposition from the broadcast community, including a challenge by the National Association of Broadcasters and many of FHH’s broadcast clients.
If you have questions or wish to participate in the proceeding, you should contact your FHH attorney immediately.