BUT applications must be “pending” in Easygrants® System by August 14
RUS and NTIA have announced that the deadline for submitting BIP and/or BTOP applications electronically has been extended from August 14 to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern time) on August 20, provided that such applications were already “pending” in the on-line “Easygrants® System” by August 14.
According to RUS/NTIA, the volume of activity by prospective applicants has caused “service delays” on the Easygrants® System. To make sure that everybody gets a chance to complete applications that they’ve started, the agencies have beefed up their own infrastructure by adding servers, and have extended the submission deadline.
In order to be eligible for the extended August 20 deadline, an applicant must have its application “pending” in the system as of 5:00 p.m. on August 14. That means that the applicant must have taken the following steps by then:
1. Log into the Easygrants® System at www.broadbandusa.gov;
2. Select “Start a new application” under “Apply for a new grant/loan;”
3. Select one of the two choices for available funding opportunities;
4. Select “Continue;” and
5. Select “ok” when prompted “Are you sure you want to apply for the program.”
All other requirements for electronic filings remain the same as set out in the NOFA. No changes have been made to any instructions, requirements or deadlines relative to paper submissions.