Net Neutrality, a long-simmering issue, has exploded into the foreground of public debate as the future of broadband takes shape.  (If you have any doubt about that, check out our posts here, here, here and here, among others.)  And with the announcement that the FCC will be looking, in the very near future, to codify both existing and new Net Neutrality principles, we can expect it to stay in the foreground for some time to come.

If you’re looking for expert, in-depth, analysis of the Net Neutrality debate, FHH member Paul Feldman will be presenting a one-hour webinar on “Net Neutrality – What is it? Where is it going?” on Thursday, October 8, at 1:00 p.m. (ET). 

As an established telecommunications lawyer, Paul has been following the development of Net Neutrality closely for years.  He has written multiple analyses on the topic, including blogs here and here.  In his webinar he will be reviewing the debate over the substance of Net Neutrality proposals, and the FCC’s response – in its 2005 Internet Policy Statement and its 2008 Comcast/BitTorrent Order – to the evolving broadband landscape.  He will look at the Comcast conduct (some might say “misconduct”) that attracted the Commission’s regulatory attention last year, and the changes Comcast made to its network management practices as a result of that attention.  Paul will also address the Net Neutrality obligations which NTIA and RUS are tying to BTOP/BIP broadband stimulus funding.  Lastly, he will examine the new “Fifth and Sixth Principles” recently proposed by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski to supplement the Commission’s Four Principles of Net Neutrality.

Clearly, the concept of Net Neutrality – however it is ultimately defined – will have an overwhelming impact on all aspects of the broadband industry.  Webinar attendees will come away with answers to important questions, including:

  • What practices have been focus of Net Neutrality discussions and regulations? 
  • What issues may trigger Net Neutrality concerns in the immediate future?

The webinar is being produced by Team Lightbulb.  A registration fee of $99 per computer will be charged.  For registration, go to or call Mr. Sean Sullivan at 703-596-4133.