Earlier this week we reported on our plans to present a webinar covering a variety of hot button issues. The show went off without a hitch, and we’re pleased to report that, even if you missed it live, you can still catch the recording of the program by clicking on this link. Thanks to operator error (we’re lawyers, for cryin’ out loud, not audio techs), the recording misses the title and introductory slides (one of which featured photos of the presenters, Kevin Goldberg and Dan Kirkpatrick) as well as Frank Jazzo’s eloquent intro. It looks like Frank’s deathless prose has now been lost to the ages, but if you want to see all the PowerPoint slides, here’s a link to a PDF version
We want to again thank our friends at the 13 state broadcast associations who helped promote the webinar among their memberships. (Those would be Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maryland/DC/Delaware, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia.) We expect to be presenting more webinars in coming months, and we encourage you, our readers, to let us know what subjects you might want to hear about.