Well, not exactly Disney World, but for sure Orlando. That’s right, Fletcher Heald is sending a phalanx of attorneys down to the NAB Radio Show, which will be convening at the Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel from September 18-20. Look for CommLawBlog regulars Frank Jazzo, Steve (“the Contracts Guy”) Lovelady, Dan Kirkpatrick, Matt McCormick, Frank Montero, Davina Sashkin, Kathleen Victory and Howard Weiss, all of whom will be making the scene. (Jim Riley and Scott Johnson will be there, too; maybe we can get them – finally – to file a post or two from poolside.)
Davina will be appearing on a panel (“And the Answer is: What is Radio Regulation Jeopardy”) on September 18. Be sure to stop by and say hi. As we have promised, we’re sending down a bunch of CommLawBlog shades (both retros and wraparounds) with her. You can get yourself a pair for the asking if you (a) can convince her that you’re a Friend of the Blog (FoB) and (b) are willing to wear them proudly in public, and maybe even (c) join the throngs who have already sent us spec-centric selfies. (And no, you don’t need to worry that you’ll be depriving Young Liam of the pair we sent him when he first got his face on the blog. When we heard that Davina was trying to take Liam’s shades away so that she’d have enough to take to Orlando (see photo, below), we freed up a few extra pairs so our youngest FoB can keep his. Seriously, Davina, have you no shame?)