Media Bureau announces 90-minute crash course in advance of biennial ritual.

contracts guy-2-Form 323Important reminder: Biennial Ownership Reports (FCC Form 323) for commercial radio and TV (including Class A and LPTV licensees) are due this fall. We’ve already seen the first sign of this, with the Media Bureau announcing the traditional extension of the filing deadline. (Reports are due by December 2 this year; early birds can start filing as early as October 1.)

And now the Bureau has given us another sign with the announcement that they’ll be hosting an “information session” regarding the form. Mark your calendars: September 22, 2015 from 12:00 N to 1:30 p.m. During the show Bureau staff will “present an overview of Form 323”, “conduct a filing demonstration”, and answer questions from the audience, both those presented in-person or by email. Nothing if not ambitious in its scope, the session is designed to “assist both novice and experienced filers”.

Truth be told, Form 323 is not the most user-friendly form. If you (a) have never filed one but (b) are nevertheless determined to try to do it yourself this time around, it would be a good idea to make time to attend the session. And who knows, even old-timers may get some useful pointers.

The Bureau presentation will be made in the FCC Meeting Room at the Portals. Doors open at 11:00 a.m. on September 22. No food/drink will be served, you can bring your own brown bag if you’d like. If you’re planning on attending in person, let the Commission know by emailing them at by September 18. (You can also submit questions in advance to the same email address – but heads up, any emails relating to the session should refer to “Info Session” in the subject line.)

If you can’t make it to D.C., not to worry: the show will be streamed (with captions) at, and it’ll be recorded for later viewing at