Short form: for now, keep filing form 740 as you always have.
If you import electronic equipment to the U.S., listen up.
We told you back in October that the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is phasing out the computer system on which you electronically file form 740 – the form that shows compliance with the FCC’s equipment authorization rules. CBP expects the system to go off line six months from now, around July 1. In the meantime, the FCC is rethinking whether it wants to continue receiving 740s at all. Rather than deal with paper 740s after July 1, the FCC announced it will waive the 740 filing requirement altogether for the six months starting July 1. (We’re guessing it will drop the requirement permanently during those six months, if not before.)
We thought the FCC’s directions were refreshingly clear. But, apparently, some folks still didn’t get it. We know this because the FCC had to issue a clarification as to what is required. You can read it here. As a CommLawBlog public service, we accurately summarize the clarification in 18 words:
- Until July 1, continue filing 740s as you always have.
- On July 1, stop filing 740s.
Everybody got that? If it changes, we’ll let you know.