(More rules recently went through public comment and are still pending)

fcc and 5G-1


Last July we reported on the FCC’s progress toward future wireless “5G” technologies, which promise blindingly fast data speeds.

The rules adopted then are now slated to take effect on December 14, except for those on satellite earth stations in the 27.5-28.35 and 37.5-40 GHz bands, and on 5G provider cybersecurity requirements. Because these contain new requirements for information collection, they must await approval by the Office of Management and Budget.

The document that adopted these rules also included a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. Comments and reply comments now have been filed in response to that FNPRM. Among the many issues raised …

  • Some parties want to open up the 71-76/81-86 GHz bands to unlicensed use, perhaps indoor-only, and some want to expand use of 92-95 GHz, perhaps also for outdoor use.
  • Another key question – whether the Commission should adopt SAS database requirements (similar to the super-charged database control system that the Commission adopted for the 3.5 GHz band) for operations in the 71-76/81-86 GHz bands – did not receive much support.

While equipment and chip manufacturers are eager to finalize designs and business plans based on these new proposals, the Commission may not move quickly given the upcoming change in administration.

Watch this space for updates