Tag Archives: etc.)

Piercing the Corporate Veil, FCC-Style

You think putting your license in a limited liability entity will always protect you? Think again. The FCC is holding an LLC's owner personally accountable for a proposed $1.7 million fine because of his company's alleged misconduct. How's that for "limited liability"?… Continue Reading

Reminder: Video Emergency Info MUST be Accessible to Hearing- and Vision-Impaired Viewers

With tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires and the like already upon us -- and many more likely to come -- the FCC has reminded video providers of their obligation to make accessible to viewers with disabilities ALL crisis-related information. This obligation can extend well beyond the immediate geographic impact area of the crisis.… Continue Reading

From the FCC Police Blotter: Misrep Lite – When Thinking You’re Being Honest Just Isn’t Enough

Section 1.17(b) prohibits what we have referred to as "misrepresentation lite", which seems to say that any mistake in anything you file with the FCC could subject you to a very substantial penalty, even if the mistake is purely unintentional. An AM licensee in Texas found out about this the hard way.… Continue Reading

Dead Men File No KidVid Reports

The urge to free up as much TV spectrum as possible for broadband use has now driven the Commission's Video Division to reach into the grave to take a couple of Class A authorizations back from a dead guy.… Continue Reading