Back from the (Near) Dead: New Life for FiberTower’s Licenses, Thanks to the D.C. Circuit By Harry Cole on April 6, 2015 Posted in Wireless If you took the long odds and bet against the FCC in FiberTower's last gasp effort to keep its 689 licenses alive, lucky you!… Continue Reading
FCC Rejects (Again!) FiberTower’s Effort to Keep Auctioned Licenses By FHH Law on February 28, 2014 Posted in Enforcement If the FCC doesn't buy your arguments the first time around, should you try again?… Continue Reading
FCC Rejects FiberTower’s Effort to Keep Auctioned Licenses By Mitchell Lazarus on May 9, 2013 Posted in Deadlines The FCC's action has brought about the result the FCC most wanted to avoid: spectrum that neither FiberTower nor anyone else can put into service… Continue Reading