Tag Archives: OMB

Court Review Of Revised Form 323 Is Sought As Bureau Suspends January 11 Deadline

Two days before Christmas, and all was neither calm nor bright for Form 323 at the FCC. FHH and ten state broadcast associations took the FCC and its form to court, while the Media Bureau, faced with mounting evidence of problems with the on-line form, suspended the January 11 deadline to give the staff time to investigate those problems.… Continue Reading

FHH to FCC: Think Again

Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth has filed a Petition with the Commission, asking it to review the social security number/FRN component of its new Ownership Report (FCC Form 323) for commercial broadcast stations.… Continue Reading

A SORN In The FCC’s Side?

On November 19 the FCC published a "System of Records Notice" (SORN) regarding the revised Form 323. The timing of that publication may, under the Privacy Act, force the Commission to delay the filing deadline, at least briefly, or make some changes to its CDBS filing system.… Continue Reading

Revised 323 Approved By OMB

Surprising many oddsmakers, the OMB has approved the FCC's revised Ownership Report (FCC Form 323) for commercial broadcast licensees. The new form still isn't ready for prime-time: the FCC first has to issue a public notice, but that could come any day now, with the deadline for filing at least 30 days after that notice.… Continue Reading

Revised Form 323 Revealed

Remember last May, when the Commission issued its Report and Order about biennial Ownership Reports? Sure you do. And do you remember how that new form would require anyone with any attributable interest in a broadcast licensee to provide his/her/its own separate and distinct FCC Registration Number? Ummm, neither do we . , , but that's what the revised form would require.… Continue Reading

Moment Method Modeling: Update IV

In September the Commission approved moment method computer modeling for directional AM proofs. According to a notice in today's Federal Register, the forms (and associated rules) are effective as of February 5, 2009.… Continue Reading

Paperwork Reduction Act Alive and Kicking

The Paperwork Reduction Act is a law intended to curb the excesses of federal regulatory agencies by mandating independent review of all new regulations which impose paperwork burdens on the public. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) was appointed to be the final checkpoint on the regulatory assembly line to ensure that agencies were not overstepping. It was satisfying last week to see OMB manfully exercise a rare veto over an FCC rule.… Continue Reading

Moment Method Modeling: Update

When is an effective date not really an effective date? When it involves use of the new moment method computer modeling rules adopted by the FCC last September. BUT there may be a work-around to help eager AM directional licensees take advantage of those rules sooner rather than later.… Continue Reading

Form 355 and Website Public File Posting: Soon in the Crosshairs at OMB

By Anne Goodwin Crump

Last November, the FCC announced that it had adopted a new "enhanced" programming report for TV licensees, and also that it would require TV licensees to post pretty much all of the local public files on their respective websites.  From March 13 until May 12, we all have an opportunity to send comments on the resulting paperwork to the FCC, which will then pass the comments on to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to let them how we feel about these new burdens.

OMB gets involved because the new ...
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DTV Public Outreach Outlined

By Lee Petro

The Commission released an Order on Monday, March 3rd requiring broadcasters, MVPDs (i.e., cable, satellite), manufacturers and wireless service providers to commence specific public outreach initiatives to educate the public on DTV Transition matters.  The Commission had released proposed rules in July, 2007, and has now taken steps to implement several of the proposed rules.  
On the broadcast side, the Commission will require TV licensees to select one of three outreach programs.  Each of the options includes a mix of Program Service Announcements (PSAs) and video crawls - all ...

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