Tag Archives: Share time

ION the Prize: Update II

From much of the trade press coverage of the ION/Urban "share-time" proposal, it would appear to be an odds-on mortal lock for approval. With so many regulatory stars aligning just so, it's hard to see where the downside to the proposal may be. But wait.… Continue Reading

ION the Prize: Update

We have nothing new to report about the ION/Urban proposal to sell share-time "licenses" (in secondary DTV streams), but we do have some news about the FCC's processing of that proposal. The Commission has announced that the application will be treated as a "permit-but-disclose" proceeding.… Continue Reading

ION the Prize

In a deft attempt to snag FCC-blessed mandatory cable carriage for non-primary digital streams - an issue which the FCC has managed to dodge for years - ION Media Networks and BET founder and billionaire Robert Johnson have lobbed in an assignment application which, if granted, would likely have profound effects on the DTV television industry. The FCC has invited public comment on (or petitions to deny) the proposal.… Continue Reading