Ultra-wideband sensor arguably does not use enough bandwidth to qualify as ultra-wideband. Ultra-wideband (UWB) radio works by spreading a very low power signal across a very wide range of frequencies. The FCC approved ultra-wideband in 2002, following what it understatedly called “an unusually controversial proceeding.” Almost every category of spectrum user, including parts of the … Continue Reading
One of the problems of developing technology is that it, um, develops, which means that it can be a constant effort to keep up with it, even if you're the one doing the developing.… Continue Reading
Given the fragmented nature of the ultra-wideband rules, waivers are the only way the industry can evolve to meet customers' demands.… Continue Reading
Granting individual waiver requests may be less painful than reexamining the underlying ultra-wideband rules. But the present system impedes the development of new and potentially valuable technologies.… Continue Reading
The same parties who have already filed four petitions for reconsideration have the right to file yet again. But if they do, they are unlikely to prevail.… Continue Reading
Success in the marketplace takes more than creative engineers, and sometimes even more than good lawyers. It can also take skilled negotiators.… Continue Reading
The FCC granted a waiver yesterday for a security-system technology that does not comply with its technical rules. No big surprise - the FCC does that, now and then. But this case is a little odd: the system needed a waiver only because it has a lower potential to cause interference than a compliant system does.… Continue Reading