Deadlines have been set for comments and reply comments in the proceeding aimed at closing down the remaining analog over-the-air TV signals. We described the Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Memorandum Opinion and Order when it was first released back in September. Now it has been published in the Federal Register, which means that comments are due by December 17, 2010, and replies are due by January 18, 2011. Since the transition of full-power television stations to digital back in June, 2009, the only analog OTA TV service has been provided by LPTV’s, Class A’s, and TV translators. The FCC’s initial thinking (as reflected in the NPRM) would have all remaining analog service terminate sometime in 2012 (and all analog operations in the 700 MHz band clear out by the end of 2011). Anyone who believes that those goals might be a trifle unrealistic should be sure to let the FCC know during the comment period.
Home Deadlines Comment Deadlines Set In Analog LPTV Transition Proceeding