Audio Division signals approach of next renewal cycle
The folks in the Media Bureau’s Audio Division are gearing up for the next cycle of broadcast license renewal applications – and they’re doing what they can to help radio broadcasters do the same. The Division’s website has recently been updated to include basic information about the just-over-the-horizon-but-rapidly-approaching renewal process, which is scheduled to start up less than 90 days from now. (The deadline for the first batch of renewal applications in this cycle is June 1, and the deadline for the broadcast of renewal-related pre-filing announcements is even closer — April 1!) The lucky licensees in the vanguard: radio stations in Maryland, the District of Columbia, Virginia and West Virginia. But the rest of you shouldn’t worry – you’ll all eventually get your turn over the next couple of years.
We also understand that the Bureau will be issuing a public notice on March 14 that will provide more insight into the renewal process, including particularly changes in the renewal form. Keep your eyes out for that (although faithful CommLawBlog readers will probably find little if anything new there, since we’ve been covering likely changes in the renewal process for the last six months or so – f’rinstance, check out our posts here, here and here. Still, it’s always good to get the word straight from the horse’s mouth).