* (for now, at least)

From our Moving Targets file, we are pleased to report more developments from the FCC’s Incentive Auction Task Force. Less than a month ago, the Office of Engineering and Technology released a bunch of materials relating to Version 1.2.6 of TVStudy, which was an upgrade from April’s Version 1.1.2.  (The original version – presumably Version 1.1.1 – was released last February.)  

And now OET has given us Version 1.2.7

TV Study, of course, is the software that will be used in the modeling and analysis necessary to repack the TV spectrum.

The new version allows studies of potential interference between U.S. stations and stations in Canada and Mexico (on proxy channels, of course). It also cleans up a couple of bugs that had apparently surfaced in the earlier version. (For ALL the gory details, hard-core techies may want to consult the “Upgrade Guide and Change Log” the FCC has posted.)

OET continues to solicit input on TVStudy from any interested parties, and from the turn-around time between Versions 1.2.6 and 1.2.7, they sure seem to be moving quickly to tweak the program.

If you’re still getting oriented with this whole repacking thing – or if you want to get even further into the details of the FCC’s repacking plans than you already are – you may want to sign up to participate in a Task Force-conducted webinar on “repacking data”. It’s scheduled for August 22, 2013 between 1:00-3:00 p.m. The full scoop on how to sign up can be found here.