Public is invited to help design a novel, on-the-fly frequency coordination system.

The FCC wants your help in designing its on-the-fly frequency coordination system for the 3550-3650 MHz band – a concept that has the potential to remake spectrum management for many other bands as well.

The central idea is to establish priorities among user groups that a “spectrum access system” enforces automatically in real time.

The FCC first floated the idea in a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking almost a year ago, and more recently refined its ideas in a highly detailed public notice. It announced (and then rescheduled) a workshop to discuss the public notice, now set for January 14.

And it has now issued a call for technical papers to be discussed at the workshop.

The request for papers is detailed and specific. We urge interested persons to consult it directly.

The deadline for papers to be considered in connection with the workshop is January 3, 2014. File submissions in GN Docket No. 12-354.  (You can do that through ECFS.) The FCC has promised to release an agenda prior to the workshop.

The requested papers, the workshop, and comments on the above-mentioned public notice will all help to form the basis of a forthcoming Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. But don’t count on waiting till then to change the FCC’s direction. If you have ideas on how it should proceed, submit them now.