In May we reported on the FCC’s decision to open up the 3.5 GHz (3550-3700 MHz) band for a wide variety of new uses, making it the new home of the new Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS). As we pointed out, though, before CBRS can be cranked up, a variety of regulatory considerations still have to be ironed out, including: how to define “use” of Priority Access License frequencies; implementing secondary markets in Priority Access Licenses; and optimizing protections for Fixed Satellite Services. In its April decision the Commission included those items on its to-do list and asked for input through a Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (SFNPRM). Now that SFNPRM has made it into the Federal Register which, as we all know, means that the comment deadlines have now been set. If you want to chip in your two cents’ worth, you can file comments until July 15, 2015; the deadline for reply comments is August 14. Comments and replies may be filed through the FCC’s ECFS online filing system; refer to Proceeding No. 12-354.