Last month we reported on the FCC’s decision to open up the 3.5 GHz (3550-3700 MHz) band for a wide variety of new uses, making it the new home of the new Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS). While (as we have also reported) a number of issues still need to be worked out before the CBRS will be fully ready for prime time, the Commission’s Report and Order has now been published in the Federal Register, which means that the rules that were adopted are set to take effect on July 23, 2015.
But heads up. As it turns out, not all the rules will be taking effect as of that date. That’s because a bunch of them involve “information collections” that must first be run past the Office of Management and Budget, thanks to our old friend, the hilariously-named Paperwork Reduction Act. That means that, despite their formal adoption by the FCC and their publication in the Register, the following rules are still on hold: §§96.17(d), 96.21(a)(3), 96.23(b), 96.29, 96.33(b), 96.35(e), 96.39(a), 96.39(c)-(g), 96.41(d)(1), 96.43(b), 96.45(b), 96.45(d), 96.49, 96.51, 96.57(a)-(c), 96.59(a), 96.61, 96.63, and 96.67(b)-(c). OMB’s PRA process usually takes at least several months. Once it’s wrapped up (and assuming that OMB gives its thumbs up, which it tends to do), the FCC should be issuing a public notice advising us all. Check back here for updates.