Last fall we reported that the Commission had released the form (official dubbed Form 2100, Schedule 399) to be used by repacked TV licensees seeking reimbursement for their relocation costs once the dust has settled on the Incentive Auction. While the FCC had declared the form it released to be the “final” version, that version still had to be vetted by the Office of Management and Budget before it could be officially unleashed on the public. According to a notice in the Federal Register, OMB has now signed off on the form, meaning that it’s ready for prime time as of March 24, 2016. Of course, it’s unlikely that anybody is going to be needing to worry about completing and submitting Schedule 399 for at least several months, but when that times does come, the form will be there, ready to be filled out. (If you want to see exactly what OMB approved, you can find links to both the form and its instructions at this link.)