If you’re fixin’ to file your Children’s Television Report (FCC Form 398) for the first quarter of 2016 (and you should be – this year they’re due no later than Monday, April 11, for crying out loud!), don’t forget what we told you last February: the FCC has changed the filing portal for those reports, starting now. Instead of the old way (through a portal dedicated to KidVid), now you’ll have to log onto the Commission’s Licensing and Management System (LMS) and go from there. As we pointed out in our earlier post, filling out the new Form 398 should reasonably straightforward. But finding your way to the form in the first place, maybe not so much. So you might want to take a gander at our February post, which includes step-by-step directions for getting to the Form 398 in LMS, as well as some illustrative screen grabs to help get you oriented.
Home Deadlines Reminder: KidVid Reports Now Get Filed Through LMS