Do you know what FCC filing deadlines are coming up in early May through early June?  We do.  Note our list is not comprehensive, and other proceedings may apply to you.  Please do not hesitate to contact FHH if you have any questions. 

May 1, 2017Quarterly Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet – All telecommunications carriers, including resellers and Interconnected VoIP providers must report, on the FCC Form 499-Q, historical revenue for the first quarter (January to March 2017) and projected revenue for third quarter (June to August 2017) for the purpose of determining applicable Federal Universal Service Fund contributions.

Rural Call Completion Reporting – Covered providers of long-distance voice services must report first quarter call completion details on the FCC Form 480. Covered providers include, generally, all wireline and wireless carriers, and all interconnected and non-interconnected VoIP providers, making the initial long-distance call path choice for more than 100,000 retail subscriber lines.

Geographic Rate Averaging and Rate Integration Certification – Non-dominant providers of detariffed, interstate interexchange service must file a certification with the FCC that such services are provided in compliance with applicable geographic rate averaging and rate integration requirements.

May 9, 2017ATSC 3 Television Broadcast Standard – Comments due with regard to the Commission’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing to authorize television broadcasters to use the “Next Generation” broadcast television transmission standard developed by the Advanced Television Systems Committee and known as ATSC 3.

May 11, 2017Incentive Auction – TV Station Repack   Each station that was a winning bidder in the incentive auction must submit to the FCC a signed and notarized FCC Form 1875 along with either:  (a) a bank account verification letter; or (b) a redacted bank statement confirming ownership of the bank account to which payments are to be made.

May 15, 2017Incentive Auction – TV Station Repack – Requests for service rule waivers are due for any station seeking flexible use of its television spectrum instead of being reimbursed for repacking expenses.

May 31, 2017Common Carrier Annual Employment Report – Each common carrier licensee or permittee with 16 or more full time employees must file an annual employment and discrimination complaint report on FCC Form 395. Most resellers typically are not licensees or permittees.

June 1, 2017Quarterly PIU Reporting and Certification – Prepaid calling card providers (PCCPs) must report percentage of interstate use (PIU) factors and associated call volumes to carriers that provide them with transport services. Additionally, PCCPs must file traffic information and a certification signed by a company officer stating that the provider is in compliance with the FCC’s PIU and USF reporting requirements.

EEO Public File Reports – All radio and television stations with five (5) or more full-time employees located in the Arizona, the District of Columbia, Idaho, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming must place EEO Public File Reports in their public inspection files.  All TV stations, as well as radio stations in the top 50 markets, must upload the reports to the online public file.  Smaller market radio stations may continue to place hard copies in the paper public file for the time being.  For all stations with websites, the report must be posted there as well. Per announced FCC policy, the reporting period may end ten days before the report is due, and the reporting period for the next year will begin on the following day.

EEO Mid-Term Reports – All radio stations with eleven or more full-time employees in Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, and all television stations with five or more full-time employees in Michigan and Ohio must electronically file a mid-term EEO report on FCC Form 397, with the last two EEO public file reports attached.

June 8, 2017ATSC 3 Television Broadcast Standard – Reply Comments due with regard to the Commission’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing to authorize television broadcasters to use the “Next Generation” broadcast television transmission standard developed by the Advanced Television Systems Committee and known as ATSC 3.

June 12, 2017Incentive Auction – TV Station Repack – Stations Unable to Construct Post-Auction Facilities Waiver – Requests for extension of a station’s construction permit application filing deadlines are due if a station is unable to construct the facilities specified in the Channel Reassignment Public Notice released April 13, 2017.

Please contact Anne Goodwin Crump and Dan Kirkpatrick for broadcast items and Cheng-yi Liu about telecom items if you have questions about any of these filings