Full Power and Class A TV stations that are changing channels as part of the TV spectrum repack and are scheduled to transition in Phases 3, 5, and 8 have been granted relief from the obligation to file what would otherwise be duplicative transition reports close together in time. Full power and Class A stations that are not changing channels do not have to file any transition reports; nor are reports required from any Low Power TV or TV Translator stations, regardless of whether or not they are changing channels.

Full Power and Class A stations moving to new channels must file quarterly reports by January 10, April 10, July 10, and October 10 each year during the transition.  Each station must also file an extra report 10 weeks before its transition phase completion date.  For some stations, the filing schedules would require two reports only a few days apart.  To avoid the filing of duplicative reports, the FCC has excused the filing of one report for stations in Phases 3, 5, and 8:

Phase 3 stations must file their 10-week report by April 12, 2019, but need not file a separate quarterly report on April 10, 2019.

Phase 5 stations must file their 10-week report by June 28, 2019, but need not file a separate quarterly report on July 10, 2019.

Phase 8 stations must file their 10-week report by January 3, 2020, but need not file a separate quarterly report by January 10, 2020.

Only these three duplicative reports have been excused.  All other reports – both 10-week and quarterly — must be filed when otherwise due.

Each station’s transition date is specified as the expiration date on its construction permit authorizing a channel change.  If you have any questions about your phase or about transition reports, please feel free to contact us.