The Fixed Wireless Communications Coalition (FWCC) has adopted a resolution commending Julius Knapp of the FCC on his long and distinguished career. Mr. Knapp announced his retirement recently after over 40 years in government service, most recently as the FCC’s Chief Engineer and head of its Office of Engineering and Technology. Mr. Knapp established a strong record of letting science be the FCC’s guide in resolving sometimes contentious debates, including those about the benefits of proposed spectrum usages vs. the adverse effects on other spectrum users. He and his staff have been reliable sources of expert engineering input for generations of Commissioners who may not themselves be technically trained. He could always be counted on to carefully consider and evaluate competing claims and render a sound judgment, while also never losing sight of the importance of advancing the potential of new technologies, improving public safety, and making communications more efficient and reliable.
“Julie has been the very model of a dedicated, unbiased, and knowledgeable civil servant,” said Fletcher Heald’s Mitchell Lazarus, longtime counsel for the FWCC. “We at FWCC have appreciated his long body of work and wish him well in his future endeavors.”