On November 18th, the FCC published a draft of the long-awaited updated National Broadband Map. This version of the map shows the availability of fixed and mobile broadband as reported by internet service providers (“ISPs”) as of June 30, 2022. This map endeavors to improve upon the FCC’s broadband data collection via Form 477, which Chairwoman Rosenworcel has argued is inaccurate and outdated. The Commission published a General Fact Sheet with the map as well.
- The online map allows users to search for broadband availability based on an address, the provider of the service, or a specific area (e., state, county, census area, Tribal area, or congressional district).
- It also provides an option for users to download data directly in CSV, shape file, or GeoPackage form.
The next step for improving this data is for state, local, and Tribal governments, consumers, service providers, and other entities to file challenges or corrections to the data on the map. The FCC released a Public Notice and a Challenge Fact Sheet in conjunction with the online map specifying procedures for challenges.
- Parties can report missing or incorrect information about the locations of available fixed broadband reported in the map.
- Similarly, parties can challenge the availability of mobile broadband reported in the map by using on-the-ground speed test data based on the FCC’s Speed Test app.
- Lastly, parties can report inaccuracies in the map about, for example, the type of service or availability of a provider in an area.
If you have any questions about the National Broadband Map, filing a challenge, or responding to a challenge, please contact your friendly Fletcher Heald attorney.