This week, the FCC announced that between September 1, 2023 and November 8, 2023, it will not accept LPFM and FM translator minor modification applications.  This application freeze arises in conjunction with the filing window for LPFM construction permits, which will be open from November 1, 2023 through November 8, 2023.  More details regarding this filing window can be found in a previous FHH blog post linked here.  The goal of the freeze is to promote transparency and predictability for those filing in the LPFM application window, provide sufficient time for applicants and consulting engineers to verify spectrum availability, and minimize expenditures on facility proposals that could be blocked by minor modification filings made immediately prior to the opening of the LPFM window.   

Applicants wishing to file minor modification applications need to do so by August 31, 2023.  If you have any questions regarding the upcoming filing window or would like assistance in preparing a minor modification application before the freeze is enacted, please contact your FHH attorney.