On March 23, 2021, the Kansas Corporation Commission (“KCC”) issued a long-awaited Order resolving jurisdictional and other issues surrounding interconnection and porting issues between Voice over Internet Protocol (“VoIP”) providers and rural local exchange carriers (“LECs”) in Kansas. VoIP providers and rural LECs in Kansas have had a long‑running and contentious battle regarding number porting … Continue Reading
In a decision issued Tuesday, Judge Richard Leon of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia approved the proposed merger of AT&T and Time Warner. In doing so, he rejected the “must-have” programming theory that was the core of the government’s antitrust case seeking to block the merger. The “must-have” programming theory asserts … Continue Reading
We were skeptical about the FCC's ability to meet the ambitious regulatory deadline laid out by AT&T in its proposal concerning 700 MHz interoperability -- but the FCC has managed to do just that in record breaking time.… Continue Reading
AT&T has advanced a voluntary "commitment" to 700 MHz interoperabilty, but Its sieve-like "commitment" leaves it multiple convenient ways to get off the hook.… Continue Reading
Motorola knows how to comply with FCC technical rules. But its "Canopy" transmitter was non-compliant when found by FCC inspectors. What went wrong?… Continue Reading
AT&T was fined for not doing something it could not legally have done. This is a little like a police officer ticketing me for not using my siren at an intersection - I being an ordinary citizen not allowed to use a siren.… Continue Reading
In recent years the FCC could justly be accused of never having met a merger it didn't like. With its approval of Verizon's acquisition of large chunks of AWS spectrum, it has reinforced that "anything goes" posture.… Continue Reading
The march toward spectrum consolidation continues, with FCC approval of a deal moving $1.9 billion of spectrum from Qualcomm to AT&T.… Continue Reading
The Swami puts his prediction out there on February 27, and the Supreme Court follows through two days later. Is this guy good or what?… Continue Reading
With Sunshine Week -- a national initiative focused on the importance of open government and freedom of information -- just a couple of weeks away, our resident swami handicaps the voting as the Supreme Court takes up a FOIA exemption in AT&T v. FCC.… Continue Reading
Don Evans has some thoughts about last week's closed-door meeting at the FCC -- and what that meeting might say about the Commission's commitment to "transparency".… Continue Reading
You know those pesky penalties the cell phone companies impose when you cancel your service before the contract has expired? They're back under the FCC's microscope.… Continue Reading
In a sharp about-face, AT&T announced it will let iPhone users access VoIP services over the 3G channel after all. Why should non-iPhone users care? Read about it here.… Continue Reading
If Apple truly favored consumer freedom, it would let customers include Google Voice in their choice of user experiences on the iPhone.… Continue Reading
The FCC has expanded its "network neutrality" inquiries into an ongoing contretemps among three giants of consumer technology: Google, Apple, and AT&T. For those who enjoy corporate conflict as a spectator sport, the Google-Apple-AT&T spat is a welcome addition to the long-running Google-Microsoft and Apple-Microsoft events. Pass the popcorn, and keep your scorecard ready.… Continue Reading