Tag Archives: Common Alerting Protocol

EAS: FCC Asks Questions, Suggests Extension Of CAP Compliance May Be In Store, Sets Date For National Test

On the EAS front: the Commission has issued another notice of proposed rulemaking aimed at advancing the transition to a CAP-based emergency alert system. Newly-announced comment deadlines are coming up fast. Good news: the notice suggests that the FCC is open to possible extension of the CAP implementation deadline, currently set for September 30.… Continue Reading

FCC Introduces New EAS Rules

By Harry Cole

The Commission has adopted new rules designed to modernize the Emergency Alert System (EAS). While the full text of the FCC's decision has yet to be released, in a public notice (http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-273458A1.pdf) the Commission makes clear that all EAS participants will be required to accept messages using the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP). As described by the Commission back in 2004, when it first proposed upgrading the EAS, the CAP is a "standardized, non-proprietary, data interchange format that simultaneously disseminates consistent all-hazard emergency alerts or public warning messages over different kinds of communications networks and systems." The idea is to have a standardized emergency alert so that the agency or individual issuing an alert need issue only a single alert which can then be received and processed by the widest variety of media (including, but not limited to, EAS participants) for re-transmission to their respective audiences.

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