On November 19, the FCC issued a Report and Order for which the Wi-Fi community can be justly grateful at their Thanksgiving celebrations. For some years the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or the “Commission”) has been concerned that the potential for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in the 5.85 – 5.925 band has never panned out. … Continue Reading
FCC Order Represents One More Step Towards Fully-Autonomous Vehicles I’ve written on connected and autonomous vehicles in the past, including about an ongoing spectrum fight at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regarding use of spectrum set aside years ago for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications (specifically, for a technology called DSRC). The FCC now has revised … Continue Reading
Some things to consider before putting a shiny new car on your wish list Last year, the “Internet of Things” was the hot topic in tech, and we advised accordingly. This year, much of the buzz centers on connected and autonomous cars. First up, what do we mean when we talk about “connected cars” and … Continue Reading
This summer, many competition-hungry spectators will flock to Rio for the Olympics. But others may prefer to stay home and watch a different competition unfold: the Spectrum Olympics, pitting Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) against Wi-Fi. The prize? Determining how best to share the 5.850-5.925 GHz band (also referred to as the “U-NII-4 band”). Two … Continue Reading
Some familiar faces from Capitol Hill are taking an alternative approach to trying to get the FCC to open up spectrum for wireless broadband.… Continue Reading
While the FCC is usually in the driver's seat when it comes to spectrum management in the U.S., that doesn't mean that Congress can't, and won't, occasionally engage in some aggressive backseat driving.… Continue Reading
The crack electrical engineers and spectrum policy experts elected to Congress are thinking about telling the FCC what it should be doing about authorizing unlicensed operation in the 5.85-5.295 GHz band.… Continue Reading