Acting with commendable promptness, the Media Bureau has relieved virtually all television stations from the requirement to file ancillary/supplementary service reports, at least for this year and likely for future years as well. These reports are traditionally due on Dec. 1 of every year. As we reported back in October, the reports are the ones … Continue Reading
Seven parties have sought reconsideration of last July's Second Report and Order setting the schedule for the final digital transition of LPTV/TV Translator/Class A TV stations. If you want to comment on any of those recon petitions, now's your chance.… Continue Reading
Wasting no time, the Commission has published its Second Report and Order (the one that starts the Final Countdown for analog LPTV/Class A TV/TV translator operations) in the Federal Register. That, in turn, establishes the effective date of the new rules.… Continue Reading
The FCC has released its long-awaited Second Report and Order announcing a final end of the Class A TV/LPTV/TV Translator digital transition, but also extending the deadline for flash cut and companion channel construction permits. Mark your calendars.… Continue Reading
Revised versions of Forms 303-S and 317 have made it to the Office of Management and Budget, where interested parties have 30 days to chip in their two cents' worth on the revisions.… Continue Reading
Form 317's are due by December 1 - but from whom? Sure, full-powered DTV operators have to file Form 317, but how about digital Class A, LPTV or TV translator folks? The answer may surprise you.… Continue Reading