Changes to the equipment authorization rules the FCC adopted last July appeared in the Federal Register this morning and take effect today. Major changes include the option of putting required labeling on a device’s display screen, and combination of the former verification and Declaration of Conformity procedures into a new procedure called Supplier’s Declaration of … Continue Reading
Some FCC regulations are carved in stone, changing about as often as the rules of chess. But not the equipment authorization rules, which lay out the procedures manufacturers and importers must follow to market devices having potential to cause interference to radio communications. The FCC likes to revise and update these every few years. This … Continue Reading
When we reported last February about a fine issued to Inter Tech for failing to properly verify an FM transmitter it was marketing, we observed that Inter Tech was lucky and could have been hit harder. We spoke too soon. The FCC is back.… Continue Reading
One can always learn from others' misfortune. If nobody has checked your company's FCC labeling and record-keeping systems lately, now is a good time.… Continue Reading