Striving For Perfection By FHH Law on February 11, 2011 Posted in Cable, Cellular, Internet, Media, Satellite, Telecommunications, Unlicensed Operations and Emerging Technologies, Wireless Another erratum has been released by the FCC - this one not perhaps not as helpful as some . . .… Continue Reading
Nationwide EAS Test: Report Deadline Clarified By FHH Law on February 11, 2011 Posted in Cable, Deadlines, Media, Satellite The FCC has issued an erratum clarifying the due date for participants' reports following the recently-announced (but as yet unscheduled) nationwide EAS test.… Continue Reading
White Space Wite-Out® By FHH Law on October 21, 2010 Posted in Cellular, Internet, Media, Unlicensed Operations and Emerging Technologies, Wireless The FCC's recent order on white space devices had a few glitches, now fixed.… Continue Reading