I was one of many who traveled (in my case, on foot) to the United States Supreme Court on April 22, 2019 to watch oral arguments in the case of Food Marketing Institute, Inc. v. Argus Leader. I was there because two of my clients joined an amicus brief in support of the newspaper’s fight … Continue Reading
D.C. Circuit reverses longstanding – if illogical – policy of many agencies. The federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and its state equivalents remain a useful tool for anyone wishing to keep an eye on our governments’ activities. FOIA requests have led to the exposure of waste, fraud and abuse in government programs. Such revelations, … Continue Reading
The Senate Judiciary Committee recently had some questions about the FOIA. Not surprisingly, our own Kevin "The Swami" Goldberg had some answers.… Continue Reading
The Sunshine Act gives us all access to the meetings of certain executive branch agencies, much as the FOIA give us access to those agencies' written records. Maybe not for long, though, at least as far as the FCC is concerned.… Continue Reading
Motorola knows how to comply with FCC technical rules. But its "Canopy" transmitter was non-compliant when found by FCC inspectors. What went wrong?… Continue Reading
The Swami puts his prediction out there on February 27, and the Supreme Court follows through two days later. Is this guy good or what?… Continue Reading
With Sunshine Week -- a national initiative focused on the importance of open government and freedom of information -- just a couple of weeks away, our resident swami handicaps the voting as the Supreme Court takes up a FOIA exemption in AT&T v. FCC.… Continue Reading