Broadcast Deadlines: February 1, 2021 Radio License Renewal Applications Due – Applications for renewal of license for radio stations located in Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma must be filed in the Licensing and Management System (“LMS”). These applications must be accompanied by Schedule 396, the Broadcast Equal Employment Opportunity (“EEO”) Program Report, also filed in LMS, … Continue Reading
Broadcast Deadlines: June 1, 2019: License Renewal Pre-Filing Announcements – Radio stations located in North Carolina and South Carolina must begin broadcasts of their pre-filing announcements with regard to their applications for renewal of the license. These announcements must be continued on June 16, July 1, and July 16.… Continue Reading
December (the most wonderful time of the year) often carries with it a sense of retrospection. We start looking back on the year that was, compiling “Best of” lists, tying up loose ends, getting those last donations and expenses in under the wire. Of course, there’s also plenty of forward-looking at what the new year … Continue Reading
Let’s play some word association. If we say “Deadlines”, you might answer “Scary.” Hence, the reason we’re publishing our November and December FCC deadlines post on Halloween. Only, unlike the ghouls and goblins you may see on the streets tonight, these are real! Please note that the list is NOT exclusive, so there may be others. … Continue Reading
Deadlines! Get your deadlines here! With summer in the rearview mirror, it’s time to get back to work and look ahead to the rest of the year. Here’s a list of FCC-related broadcast and telecom deadlines. Please note that the list is NOT exclusive, so there may be others. For help meeting these deadlines or … Continue Reading
It’s never too early to get a jump start on upcoming deadlines as the New Year approaches. Below is a list of upcoming FCC deadlines to keep on your radar. Note our list is not comprehensive. Other proceedings may apply to you. Please do not hesitate to contact FHH if you have any questions. January 10, 2018 … Continue Reading
There are a number of upcoming FCC filing deadlines over the next three months that are relevant to broadcasters. You should review these carefully, as some are only applicable to certain licensees while others (the EEO-related and noncommercial ownership reports) are state-specific. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.… Continue Reading
With the FCC's return to business seemingly imminent, TV licensees should be getting ready to take care of public file upload chores that came due during the hiatus.… Continue Reading
The Media Bureau has announced that some TV stations may opt not to post to the FCC's online public file system their quarterly issues/programs lists covering earlier renewal cycle(s). Before you start doing the Snoopy dance, though, be aware that there are at least three gotchas here.… Continue Reading
Full-service TV and Class A TV licensees shouldn't party too hard this New Year's Eve. That's because the date by which they've got to upload their public inspection files to the FCC-maintained online site is right around the corner.… Continue Reading
Coming soon to screens all across the country! YOUR October 2012 issues/programs list (if you're a full-power or Class A TV station). If you think that your lists could use some spiffing up before their online debut, read on.… Continue Reading
Public-file-uploading chores kick in for ALL TV licensees (including Class A's) no later than October 10, when the next quarterly issues/programs lists mush be placed in each station's file. With that deadline looming, we thought it might be useful to introduce everybody to some of the nitty-gritty details they'll need know before they try to upload their lists.… Continue Reading
The deadlines have now been set for initial comments on the latest version of Form 355 -- the quarterly programming report TV stations (and, eventually, probably all broadcasters) would be required to file with the Commission.… Continue Reading
Hot on the heels of its abandonment of the "enhanced disclosure" reporting form adopted in 2007 (but never implemented), the Commission has made good on its promise to come up with a replacement. Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for the 2011 edition of "Standardized Television Disclosure Form 355".… Continue Reading
A recent Notice of Apparent Liability illustrates questionable priorities in the FCC's approach to the calculation of fines and forfeitures.… Continue Reading