Divisions of Univision have entered into a consent decree with the FCC's Enforcement Bureau and, separately, copped a plea to mail fraud in federal court in Los Angeles -- thereby wrapping up, at least for now and at least for these parties -- a payola investigation which has focused on Spanish-language radio.… Continue Reading
Last week, I delivered to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi a letter urging her to look into the impact on minority broadcasters of the Performance Rights Act (PRA) pending before Congress.… Continue Reading
"It's like throwing a surprise party for a friend, and at the end of the night your friend charges you for an appearance fee" -- That's how Spanish Broadcasting System VP/GM Frank Flores described the push by record labels to impose a performance fee on radio stations.… Continue Reading
I think broadcasters have let the record companies put them on the defensive by establishing a one-sided framework for the public discussion of the performance royalty issue. Maybe it's time to change that framework.… Continue Reading