Tag Archives: Privacy

FTC Updates Advertising Guides and Increases Scrutiny

On June 29th, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released updated rules to combat deceptive advertisements and endorsements. Along with new endorsement guidelines and answers to FAQs, these new rules mark a potential new era of FTC enforcement for advertisers who participate in online marketing.   There have been huge shifts in the social media advertising landscape … Continue Reading

Supreme Court Says Warrant Needed to Grab Cellphone Location Data

Just when you think you have a beat on the Supreme Court, they always seem to surprise you. Take the decision issued in Carpenter v. U.S., issued last Friday, June 22. The court held that a judicial warrant, based on probable cause, is required before law enforcement officials can call up your cellphone company and … Continue Reading

Let’s Try This Again – FCC Seeks Comments on TCPA/Robocall Issues Remanded By D.C. Circuit.

Like telemarketing “robocalls” that never seem to go away, the FCC’s attempts to clarify important and difficult statutory and regulatory issues under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) seem to constantly reoccur. Now the FCC is trying again, with a Public Notice seeking comments on: the definition of an “automatic telephone dialing system” (ATDS), how … Continue Reading

New European Privacy Laws Going Into Effect Mean ALL Companies Need to Review their Data Collection

Our websites are global, our e-commerce offerings reach customers around the world, our Internet radio broadcasts elicit responses from listeners around the globe and our consultants often hail from London to New Delhi. Whether people pay us, whether we pay them, or whether we just correspond with people interested in our products, services and programs, … Continue Reading

New Privacy Rules Going Into Effect Apply to All Telecom Carriers

An Enhanced Version of CPNI — But Will the New Administration “Undo” The New Rules? Attentive readers of this Blog know that in October, the FCC adopted new rules primarily designed to enhance the privacy and data security requirements imposed on providers of Broadband Internet Access Service (“BIAS”). Some of the new rules have been … Continue Reading

FCC Enacts Rigorous New Internet and Telecommunications Privacy Rules

A Hotly Contested Proceeding Expands the Commission’s Regulatory Authority, But Will Likely End Up in Court After a massive Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, extensive and contentious advocacy from all sides, and public revision of its own proposals, the FCC has just approved an Order enacting rules that impose a wide range of new regulations on Internet … Continue Reading

One Agency to Another: FTC Shares Its Views on FCC’s Internet Privacy Proposals

With the voice of experience, the FCC’s sister Commission provides support, criticism. As we alerted you a couple of months ago, the FCC is in the process of crafting rules intended to protect the private/propriety information (PI) of those of us accessing the Internet through Internet Service Providers (ISPs). If eventually adopted, the rules would … Continue Reading

What Can ISPs Do With YOUR Personal Information? The FCC Has Some Ideas …

Massive proposal would impose new limits, obligations on ISP use of private/proprietary customer data. Continuing its advance into the realm of privacy regulation, the FCC has proposed extensive rules that, if adopted, would impose a wide range of new regulations on Internet service providers (ISPs) in their provision of broadband Internet access service (BIAS). According … Continue Reading

NBP And Privacy: Whose Job Is It Anyway?

Concerns about on-line privacy could be a significant barrier to adoption and utilization of on-line systems. The National Broadband Plan includes recommendations on how to create an on-line environment which will provide more consumer protections . . . but those recommendations place a hefty emphasis on the need to encourage commercial entities to provide customized services.… Continue Reading