Just a few years ago, technical constraints made it difficult to design equipment for the upper reaches of the millimeter wave bands. Since then, a corps of clever engineers have overcome the problems and applications have proliferated.… Continue Reading
Planning a Labor Day get-away? Good news! The new rules permitting 78-81 GHz radar for detection of "foreign object debris" on airport runways should be in effect by then.… Continue Reading
Aircraft shed parts more often than most of us realize. Other common forms of runway debris include misplaced tools, equipment and supplies, rocks and pavement fragments, luggage, and wildlife.… Continue Reading
Comment deadlines have been set in the Tank Radar proceeding (ET Dkt. No.10-23) and the "Rural Radio" (MB Dkt. No. 09-52) proceeding relating to the new 307(b) "tribal priority". And the rule changes adopted in that latter docket will be effective April 5.… Continue Reading
Allowing tank radars at 77-81 GHz is obviously the right thing to do. But three years is a long time to wait for proposed rules and a temporary waiver.… Continue Reading