Ninth Circuit is the latest to say that Internet-based services are not cable systems. Remember Aereo? Sure you do, if you were a regular CommLawBlog reader pretty much anytime between 2012 and 2015. Aereo was the upstart looking to revolutionize the way cord-cutters watched TV: its dime-sized antennas were designed to receive and capture local … Continue Reading
But District Court decision could be key to a return to the Supreme Court for Aereo-related issues FilmOn X’s fortunes have taken a turn for the worse. But for FilmOn X, that might not be a totally bad thing. Longtime readers will be familiar with FilmOn X, the Aereo doppelganger. When Aereo burst on the … Continue Reading
Federal judge in California declares Aereo clone potentially eligible for compulsory copyright license. Sometimes, getting there first doesn’t mean that you’re the winner. Just look at Aereo, whose innovative technology was going to revolutionize the delivery of video programming. Although supposedly embraced by the consuming public, Aereo was sued for copyright infringement by lots of … Continue Reading
If you're planning to chip in your two cents' worth on the FCC's proposed redefinition of the MVPD universe, you're in luck: the comment deadlines have been extended.… Continue Reading
The MVPD universe is set to be redefined to include services "untethered" from any infrastructure-based definition ... if, that is, a proposal laid out by the FCC takes hold. The deadlines for comments on the proposal have just been announced.… Continue Reading
Given up for dead by many, our old pal Aereo has managed to sidestep the Grim Reaper yet again.But just barely, and its future prospects are not good.… Continue Reading
The Supreme Court's decision in the Aereo case should be released soon - but in the meantime, amuse yourselves by speculating about the many ways in which the case may shake out.… Continue Reading
The long-impending Aereo argument in the Supreme Court has now come and gone, and we are left to sift through what remains to try to figure out what's next.… Continue Reading
Reminder: Kevin Goldberg and Harry Cole will be presenting a FREE webinar to review and explain how the Aereo case got to the Supreme Court and what it could mean. Space is limited; sign up now.… Continue Reading
Kevin Goldberg and Harry Cole will be presenting a FREE webinar to review and explain how the Aereo case got to the Supreme Court and what it could mean.… Continue Reading
As Supreme Court decision approaches, a U.S. District Judge in Utah has enjoined Aereo from rolling out its service in the Tenth Circuit.… Continue Reading
While the real Aereo game is still in the Supreme Court later this spring, the court in the Utah installment of the Aereo litigation is gearing up for some activity. The Swami has something to say about that.… Continue Reading
The Supreme Court has decided that now would be a good time to consider the arguments arising from the Second Circuit's Aereo decisions to date.… Continue Reading
The opposing factions in the Aereo War seem to have agreed on a time (now) and a place (the Supreme Court) for their Armageddon. Now if only the Court will cooperate.… Continue Reading