The Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) has issued a Public Notice assuring radio and TV stations that they may share news content and news-gathering resources on an emergency or ad hoc basis during the coronavirus crisis without reducing their arrangements to writing or putting them in their online public inspection file (“OPIF”) as “shared service” agreements … Continue Reading
As of March 23, the FCC rule requiring the inclusion in the online public file of TV stations’ “shared services agreements” (SSAs) is now in effect. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, the effectiveness of the SSA filing requirement had to wait for approval by the Office of Management and Budget, which has now occurred. This … Continue Reading
The Commission's rulebook is largely silent about what flies and what doesn't fly when it comes to SSAs and JSAs. Good thing the Commission's processing staff isn't.… Continue Reading
Three days before Christmas, the FCC delivered a little present for broadcasters: a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing changes to its media ownership rules. Welcome to Phase II of the 2010 Quadrennial Regulatory Review process.… Continue Reading
The Media Bureau has conceded that a shared services arrangement involving a couple of Hawaii TV licensees doesn't violate any rules -- but the Bureau has nevertheless served notice that that arrangement may cause the licensees big problems at renewal time.… Continue Reading
The Media Bureau has approved a multi-level operating arrangement permitting two television stations in the same DMA to merge aspects of their operations in ways which bump up against - but apparently don't violate - the Commission's duopoly rule.… Continue Reading