Tag Archives: SHVIA

Wheeler Takes Retrans Re-Tooling Off the Table

Chairman blogs that FCC will not be modifying “totality of the circumstances” test on his watch. In the long-running retransmission consent war pitting broadcasters against MVPDs, a major threat to the status quo has been averted: according to a blog posted on the FCC’s website by Chairman Tom Wheeler, the Commission has opted not to … Continue Reading

The Retransmission Consent NPRM: An Overview as the Comment Deadline Approaches

Here’s your chance to let the FCC know how to assess the “good faith” of parties to a retrans negotiation. While many (if not most) television licensees are likely trying to sift through the several hundreds of pages of FCC materials laying out the fast-approaching incentive auction process, it’s important not to lose sight of … Continue Reading

STELA Revisions Adopted

Just in time to meet its Congressionally-imposed deadline, the Commission has released three orders and a public notice affecting satellite carriage of local TV signals, as required by STELA.… Continue Reading

STELA NPRMs On Fast Track

Hey, STELA!!! Thanks to the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act (STELA), the FCC has released two Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRMs) addressing distinct aspects of satellite carriage, within a DMA, of broadcast signals from outside that DMA.… Continue Reading