On again, off again, back on again. That’s story with the comment deadlines for the FCC’s proposal to preserve vacant UHF TV channel space in every geographic area of the country for use by unlicensed TV white space devices and wireless microphones. When that proceeding was kicked off, comments were due pronto. But then the … Continue Reading
Last month we reported on the Commission’s proposal to preserve vacant UHF TV channel space in every geographic area of the country for use by unlicensed TV white space devices and wireless microphones. The deadlines for comments on the proposal were set tout de suite, and things seemed to be moving merrily along on the … Continue Reading
A couple of weeks ago we reported on the Commission’s proposal to reserve onere vacant UHF TV channel in every geographic aa of the country for use by unlicensed TV white space devices and wireless microphones. With impressive speed the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking has found its way into the Federal Register. As a result, … Continue Reading
If you're a full power or Class A TV licensee and you'd like your facilities to be eligible for protection in the channel repacking process, heads up.… Continue Reading