As of March 23, the FCC rule requiring the inclusion in the online public file of TV stations’ “shared services agreements” (SSAs) is now in effect. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, the effectiveness of the SSA filing requirement had to wait for approval by the Office of Management and Budget, which has now occurred. This … Continue Reading
Last month we reported on the addition of three new event codes (those would be EWW, SSA and SSW) and two revised location codes to the laundry list of EAS-related codes to be used in the headers of emergency announcements. As we noted back then, the FCC’s original order didn’t seem to mention exactly when … Continue Reading
While supporting the decision, Commissioner O’Rielly criticizes FCC’s “cost/benefit” analysis In what four out of five FCC Commissioners seem to view as a no-brainer, the Emergency Alert System just got three more event codes and two slightly-revised geographic location codes. The odd man out? Commissioner O’Rielly. He doesn’t question the potential utility of the new/revised … Continue Reading
The Commission's rulebook is largely silent about what flies and what doesn't fly when it comes to SSAs and JSAs. Good thing the Commission's processing staff isn't.… Continue Reading
The Media Bureau has conceded that a shared services arrangement involving a couple of Hawaii TV licensees doesn't violate any rules -- but the Bureau has nevertheless served notice that that arrangement may cause the licensees big problems at renewal time.… Continue Reading