We have previously reported that one party (Latina Broadcasters of Daytona Beach, LLC) has asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit to stay either (a) the exclusion of Latina’s application from the upcoming reverse auction) or (b) the reverse auction itself. And now the Videohouse Three (about whose appeal we have also … Continue Reading
As the FCC plows ahead with plans to start its reverse auction process by requiring initial commitments by 6:00 p.m. (ET) on March 29, 2016, efforts by stations seeking a ticket into the reverse auction through Class A protection continue down at the D.C. Circuit. As we have reported, the Videohouse Three managed to get … Continue Reading
Here's a report on last night's demonstration of the new online public file system. And heads up -- if you didn't make it to last night's demo, the FCC has scheduled another for today, August 1, at 12 Noon (ET). Since the new public file rule takes effect tomorrow, August 2, there's no time like the present.… Continue Reading
With the August 2 effective date of the online TV public file rule just a couple of days away, more information about the FCC's system is bubbling to the surface. And check it out -- even though the rule hasn't kicked in yet.one of its elements has already been waived!… Continue Reading
The Commission will be conducting two online "screensharing" demonstrations of its new public file system. Heads up, though -- the first one is this Monday morning (July 30) at 9:00 a.m.… Continue Reading
It looks like, barring some unanticipated last-minute development, the FCC's online public file rule for TV stations will take effect on August 2, 2012.… Continue Reading
The NAB has replied to the FCC's opposition to the NAB's request that the effective date of the TV online public file rule be stayed.… Continue Reading