The FCC's Audio Division may be considering designating some renewal applications for hearing, but practical considerations could, and should, make it think twice.… Continue Reading
If you've got a license to operate a radio station, the Audio Division wants you to know you'd better have that station up and running and you'd better keep it that way.… Continue Reading
Contrary to what it originally told OMB, the Commission has decided to go old school in its revised broadcast renewal application, at least with respect to the certification about non-discrimination in advertising.… Continue Reading
Revised versions of Forms 303-S and 317 have made it to the Office of Management and Budget, where interested parties have 30 days to chip in their two cents' worth on the revisions.… Continue Reading
With the next round of broadcast license renewals due in less than eight months, the FCC has announced plans to tweak its renewal application form (FCC Form 303-S).… Continue Reading
A station's failure to operate during the preceding license term might be factored into the renewal process in the upcoming renewal cycle. This is not good news if you happen to be off the air. It's really not good news if your non-operation has dragged on over a significant portion of your most recent license term.… Continue Reading