Tag Archives: Waiver
Controversy Flares over Interference to Unlicensed Devices
FCC Seeks Comment on Interference into Unlicensed Devices
FCC Seeks Comment on Proposed Withdrawal of LightSquared Waiver
Federal GPS Users Nix LightSquared
LightSquared Seeks FCC OK to Interfere with GPS
Update: FCC Invites Comments on LightSquared/GPS Interference Question
An Order Of Satellite Phone Service, Please – Hold The Satellite
Hark! The Tower Angels Sing!
Tower Inspection Requirement Waived for Eagle, HARK Systems
By Harry Cole
At the request of two companies - American Tower Corporation (ATC) and Global Signal, Inc. (Global) - that own thousands of towers subject to the FCC's Part 17 lighting requirements, the Commission has agreed to waive the requirement that each of those towers be inspected at least every three months to confirm that their lighting systems are operating properly. ATC and Global were able to convince the Commission that their respective automatic monitoring systems provide adequate safeguards against undiscovered outages. As a result, instead of quarterly (i.e., at least every three months) inspections, ...
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