Calling all would-be law review contributors – a respected publication is looking for YOU!
We here at CommLawBlog have been requested to post the following solicitation for articles to be published in the Federal Communications Law Journal. Yes, we know that many of our readers (including lots of lawyers) aren’t likely to be jumping at the chance to stare blankly at a computer keyboard for hours on end, waiting for inspiration to strike — why, after all, even think about re-living (shudder) those all-nighters from your college years? But a number of us here in the CommLawBlog bunker worked on the FCLJ back in the day, we’re all FCBA members, and we have a soft spot in our hearts for the Journal. Some of us have even written law review articles, and can say with a straight face that it can be a fun and rewarding experience. Plus, there’s always the chance that your article will get cited as a major influence in the next big communications case out of the Supreme Court! How cool would that be!
So here’s what the folks at FCLJ want you to know:
Do You Want to Be Published in the Federal Communications Law Journal?
The Federal Communications Law Journal (FCLJ) of the Indiana University Maurer School of Law is now accepting submissions for its 64th volume. As the official journal of the Federal Communications Bar Association (FCBA), the FCLJ has over four thousand subscribers and is the oldest communications law journal in the United States. The FCLJ’s editors hope to publish pieces that relate to the following topics: broadcasting, cable, media ownership, cybersecurity & cyberwarfare, health & media, social networking, e-business, online privacy, spectrum, network neutrality, wireless communications, and current FCC regulations. (Submissions are not limited to these topics, however.) If you have any questions about the submission process or if you would like to have your article, comment, book review, or speech considered for publication, please e-mail Jessica Berger, Senior Articles Editor, at
In all seriousness, the FCLJ is a highly respected law journal whose contributors include many prominent names in the area of communications law. We are pleased to pass along to our readers the FCLJ’s notice.