He’s ready for his close-up.  Are you?

You’ve read his stuff, and you’ve probably wondered – who is this Man of Mystery they call the Swami? Now you can hear him and see him as he expounds, with customary eloquence, about the Supreme Court decision in FCC v. Fox Television Stations. The Swami, Kevin Goldberg, is now available to you on the small screen (probably the one you’re reading this on). He quotes Cher. He quotes Bono. He quotes Nicole Richie. He does it all. Is this a great country or what?

Kevin’s online appearance comes to you thanks to our good friends at LexBlog, the legal-focused blogging platform that hosts CommLawBlog.  He sat down for a short Skype-based interview with LexBlog’s Colin O’Keefe, answering a few questions regarding the history of the case and the issue, the Court’s decision (and why it was unanimous), and the likely impact on broadcasters.   This is part of LexBlogs “LXBN TV”, a cool service that brings blog posts to life.

You can see all 12 minutes and 48 seconds of the interview here.